In terms of solving problems or getting instant solutions, webchat use has evolved in the contact center. Compared to other channel networks, consumers enjoy the speed and ease of use. It also removes typical call frustrations (not intrinsically frustrating IVRs), such as hold times or distracting IVR programs. In reality, if there is no chat option, it is sometimes listed as a cause of dissatisfaction. Here are some reasons why you should consider incorporating this canal and tactics to your …
Blog Posts
Content Moderation is the practice in which user-generated contributions track and apply a series of pre-determined rules and criteria for deciding whether contact (in fact, a post) is acceptable or not. In the past, the work of content moderators was derogatory. Moderating offensive web content is important to protect innocent people from hideous content. Why is content moderation important? The highly heterogeneous content mix makes the review process more complicated. Content moderation services can involve different views via written texts, …
There has been increasing awareness regarding cybersecurity measures among organizations today due to the rising threat of hacking activities involving data theft and privacy issues. Research studies indicate that email services are likely to be affected the most as they are exposed to more significant cyber-attack risks. Almost 10% of the emails consist of malicious content such as malware, spyware, ransomware, which can pose a danger to the users’ valuable data or information. Enterprises need to be wary of such …
If you want to downsize your pdf files, then there are a few methods that you can use to do so. Although pdf files are considered to be a symbol of perfection, you must know that there are some cons of this format and the size is one of them. The size of pdf files matters when you are having images saved in this format. It can be exceedingly difficult for you to share or even upload pdf files online …
Having both internet and cable services can be pretty expensive, especially these days when COVID has frozen many aspects of our lives and impacted the economic situation negatively. On average a US household pays $50-$60 every month in terms of their internet charges. Now add $45-$60 for the cable (if you have one or two TV boxes) – which goes over $110 and we are not even considering mobile phones and landline phones. One way to decrease these bills is …