Ever feel like your organization just isn’t capitalizing on its technical strategies and resources? Has your business recently faced several technology-driven upheavals and now finds itself struggling to get itself back on solid performance ground? You ever think that you possess some of the best services and products available, but you’re just not targeting your internal achievement objectives or winning marketing share because of operational difficulties? If your answer is “Yes!” to any of the questions above, you might be …
Category: Business
Though ride-hailing services led to the decline of the revenues of the traditional taxi businesses, it has benefited many car owners who transformed their business digitally. Previously, individuals took rides through various means, but with the initiation of taxi app development like Uber, it allowed them to choose with even more choices. The ease of requesting a ride from mobile phones, taking a shared trip, and on-time pickup comforted people as well as propelled ride-sharing to the front row of …